Monday, October 21, 2013

Off-Topic: Some Reference For My Comic Book Reviews

You have seen my comic book reviews by now. The numbers may confuse you a bit. This post is to remove the confusion:

The overall story being told. The narrative of the book in general. This evaluates the individual story and it's place among whatever wider story it is a part of.

1- Not worth the paper it's printed on. The story lacks all internal sense, fails to convey any interesting message, has no moments that pique one's interest, and does not connect well with other books in the series or of similar type

1.5- There was exactly one moment in the whole story that piqued my interest.

2- Not worth the money I paid. The story may have more than one moment that piques my interest, but it makes little sense, has no real coherent message overall, and I still am not glad I spent the money I did on it.

2.5- I do not regret buying the book. But I am not exactly glad I bought it, either. The story may have its moments, and there may be some internal sense and message, but I'm not exactly enthralled by the story either.

3- I'm glad I bought the book. But I will not continue buying the book based on this story alone. The story is internally coherent, it is overall a good story, but it loses itself from time to time. There are several panels or moments that make me want to hit my head against the wall. There is a message but it is nothing powerful.

3.5- I would continue to buy the book to at least give it a few more chances, as the story has drawn me in somewhat. The story is again, overall good but not great. But there are no 'head against the wall' moments, either. One can see potential in one or two of the elements listed earlier: internal sense, interesting message, stand-out moments, and connections with other books.

4- I will be buying the book for as long as the stories are this strong. There is little coherence problem, if any. No moment stands out as particularly bad. In one of the elements listed above, it truly excels, it is better than your average comic book. There is nothing unique about the book, nothing that hasn't been done before. But its truly great, at least in parts.

4.5- This is a great comic book. I want to buy more based on the strength of this comic alone. The story has several elements that stand out as much better than your average comic book.  It is still nothing unique, nothing truly original, but is overall a great book.

5- This comic book gave me something that I have rarely if ever seen before. The story stands out as truly original. I want to read this comic multiple times, and I hope for more like it.

More than just dialogue, this includes monologues, and thought bubbles. Any time there is a character conveying an idea or thought or message, this applies.

1- The dialogue robs the other elements of the comic of their ability to impress. The dialogue doesn't "sound" natural, doesn't fit the character, isn't interesting or funny, and nothing is said that sticks with me in any way, shape or form.

1.5- The dialogue still robs the other elements of the comic of their ability to impress. The dialogue doesn't "sound" natural, though it might still fit the character in parts (the context just robs it of its 'flow). There might be one exchange that is memorable, or one thing said or thought that sticks with me, but that is it.

2- The dialogue detracts from the other elements ability to impress, especially the storyline. Only some of the dialogue "sounds" natural, though most does not. There may be a couple of lines that stick with me, but that is about it.

2.5- The dialogue detracts only from the storyline. About half of the dialogue "sounds" natural, and still only a a line or two sticks with me.

3- The dialogue neither detracts nor adds to any of the other elements of the comic. Most of the dialogue sounds natural, and it is overall interesting or funny, though some of what the characters say or do makes me want to bang your head against the wall.

3.5- The dialogue adds something to the other elements of the comics. Most of the dialogue sounds natural, and it is overall funny or interesting. There is no more than one 'head banging' moment.

4- The dialogue adds something significant to the story. Almost all the dialogue sounds funny or interesting, and there are no more 'head banging' moments. There is more than one exchange that sticks out, and the dialogue fits the characters.

4.5- The dialogue alone can make me come back for more. Even if the storyline isn't that good, the characters thoughts, words and speeches make me want more. There is nothing truly unique, but all the elements are done as best as they can be without being really unique. Almost everything in the book really sticks with me. I go back and re-read what some characters said several times.

5- There is something here that I've seen only rarely or never before. A character makes a speech, or gives a message, or thinks something that blows me away. It is either ridiculously funny, or deeply moving, or both.

For the full story on "pacing" see here:

1- The pacing detracts from the other elements of the comic. The comic is all over the place, and I get lost no matter how many times I read it. I cannot draw the story out because everything seems out of place, or out of order rather.

1.5- The pacing detracts from the other elements of the comic. The comic is still all over the place, but with multiple reads you can kind of get the the whole picture of what is going on.

2- The pacing detracts from the other elements of the comic. The comic is either too slow, or too fast, and seems to be missing too much (too much takes place off-panel). The panels don't seem out of order, but the pace of the comic makes it less enjoyable.

2.5- The pacing detracts only a little bit from the overall comic book. The comic is still either too slow, or too fast, but it isn't missing too much from off-panel action. Everything is still in order, but I end the comic a little more confused than I need to be, due to the way things got rushed. Or I'm a little bored from the slow pace.

3- The pacing doesn't cause problems that detract from the other elements of the book. The pacing may still be a little too slow or too fast, but I don't end confused or bored. I am too 'aware' of the pacing, I can say it is rushed or slow, but it didn't detract from the overall experience.

3.5- The pacing doesn't cause problems. At least part of the book is perfectly paced. It may slow down or speed up too much in parts, but much of it flows seamlessly.

4- Most of the book is perfectly paced. The book may have a few parts that are too slow or quick, but they are barely noticeable.

4.5- The book is perfectly paced. Nothing about the pacing is off, and everything seems timed as it should be.

5- The pacing actually adds to the overall enjoyment of reading the book. People can do creative things with panels, that transform the way you read the comic. Ironically, this may mean that some panels don't have a clear order, and when that is done it is easily screwed up. The line between a "1" and a "5" can be very fine, and so getting creative with paneling is dangerous. But when done right it can transform a comic book into something better. A great example of this is Promethea. A "5" may also indicate that everything is timed so perfectly it doesn't even feel like panels were used.

A comic book can survive even with terrible art, as long as the other elements are present. Comic books are still story telling media. But terrible art can detract from a book, and great art can add to the overall experience. Great art can elevate our experience of a comic book in a way that almost no other element can.

1 - The art detracts from the other elements of the comic. The book doesn't even look professional, and it doesn't look like a comic book.

1.5- The art detracts from the other elements of the comic. The art may look like comic book art, but it doesn't look very professional.

2- The art detracts from the other elements of the comic. The art looks rushed, or is missing something important. It is professional looking in parts, or maybe elements here and there. But overall it isn't very good.

2.5- The art detracts only a little bit from the overall comic book. There may be moments that 'look good' here, but that really only reminds one of how much the rest of the art really sucks. There are no moments of brilliance anywhere.

3- The art doesn't detract from the other elements of the book. The art is professional looking and all, but it is about what you would expect from any comic you pick up.

3.5- The art doesn't cause problems. There is some element or some panel that really sticks out as better than your average comic.

4- The art adds to the overall experience. The overall comic book is actually elevated by how good the art is. There are consistent elements that stick out as better than average, and moments of genuine brilliance.

4.5- I actually want to buy the comic because of the art. Even if the other elements are lacking, I would come back for more because the art is just that good.

5- I would consider a comic with this art rating to be a work of art in itself. It is something I want to put up on my wall if I could. The entire comic, every panel, is a brilliant work of art.


1- This comic is not worth the paper it is printed on. They should've saved the trees instead.

1.5- The comic is not worth the money I paid for it.

2- The comic is not something I regret buying, but I am not exactly happy you bought it either.

2.5- Still not happy I bought the comic here. But I might give it another chance if I had some external reason to think it was going to get better (like a new writer was being hired).

3- I am happy I bought the comic, but I am hesitant to buy again.

3.5- I am willing to continue to buy the comic, but I may stop if things don't get better.

4- I am going to be continuing to buy the comic. I would recommend it to some people I think might be interested. .

4.5- This is a comic I will continue to buy even in hard economic times. I would sacrifice other good comics to keep reading this one (in terms of which subscriptions to keep and which to drop). I would recommend it to almost everyone.

5- This comic is a must-read. I would recommend it to everyone.

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