Friday, April 12, 2013

Rehash, Or, "God These People Annoy Me"

I know that this is a rehash of something I posted a few days ago, but I am so sick and annoyed when people tell me that the reason someone fell or failed is because they trusted too much "in their own power" and not enough "in the Lord's". This is the most self-righteous, self-aggrandizing, judgmental garbage that ever proceeds from the mouth of people. It is pharisaical, and relies on a few select passages while ignoring entire BOOKS that say the exact opposite. It is taking the position of Job's antagonistic 'friends' rather than the blameless job. I am tempted to say something like "oh, that is very insightful Eliphaz, or should I call you Bildad? Or Zophar?" It is also, paradoxically, revelatory of a character that is very egoistic. For such a person is proclaiming their faith not in God, but in their own trust in God.

The only group of Christians who truly recognizes total reliance on God recognizes that even their faith and their trust in God are gifts, not something is able to achieve or not achieve under their own power. In which case the 'cause' of the person's failure is not their own lack of trust, but God's unwillingness (or in my theology, inability) to always grant said trust. For me, the reason God cannot always give the gift of faith is life, and the dark powers that infect this world, are able to stand between God and man sometimes. The gift of faith requires a little luck for delivery to take place. I write about this in my unpublished book on the Holy Spirit. The believer in absolute omnipotence as classically conceived will have a bigger problem than I do, but the evils of those who just stand there and yell 'just have more faith' should be apparent to everyone. Is it any wonder why I am so impressed by Calvinism?

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