Sunday, September 15, 2013


I saw this film recently from a Christian studio. The acting was okay, but I liked the story and the dialogue. It was like a Christian version of the film INK. Good stuff: common human struggles in the context of the cosmic battle between good and evil, angels and demons. The demon fear was one of the main characters, speaking words of self-doubt into the ears of his victims. This is my own experience. All is at peace, at one with the Lord when some nagging doubt rears its ugly head. "What are you a fool?" it says. Or "you don't really believe, quit fooling yourself." Or "you only live once, and you are missing out on so much." But the very voice betrays itself. I experience it as a devil. And if there is a devil, then there has to be a God...there has to be. Where is God's voice? Everywhere, all the time. I hear it clearly too. But it is strangely still easy to hear the voice of doubt. Sometimes I think that we are just too masochistic: any sign of the wonder and glory of life, that it is really as fun as it seems to be, is rejected because we have to hurt ourselves. Only depressing truths are easily believed, even when evidence of the good life abounds.

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