Tuesday, January 29, 2013

"Follow Your Dreams"

We encourage people to follow their dreams all the time. Yet many people's dreams leave something to be desired. So many wish for a life without struggle, where all their material needs are attended to. Popularity and fame are the values of the day, and they are the substance of so many people's dreams. Perhaps we should focus less on getting people to pursue their dream and more on getting them to have better dreams.


  1. You could argue that the fame and popularity would be a wish to make yourself some manner of earthly god. That you could argue is a poor dream.

    I do not understand why "life without struggle, where all their material needs are attended to" is bad? It is my dream. The fact that it is completely impossible does not change that.

    If I could remove all pain and struggle from my families lives, I would. However I'm convinced the evil world would intrude on any buffer I put up so there seems no point. That does not change the fact that I would dearly love to never know another day of pain, want, sorrow or disappointment.

    Is not Heaven exactly that: an end to pain and sorrow? If your theology says this is not the case then my next question is why ever would anyone want to go there?

    This is not just being contrarian either. I'm quite serious that ending pain and suffering is of paramount importance to me. All I do is aimed at reducing pain and suffering. For myself, my family and the world. So it seems to me the highest of dreams.

    Can you explain why you think there are better dreams?

  2. When people ask me what I want to do with the rest of my life (which is question I get all the time) my response is that I want to ease the suffering in the world. I want to do something that will make this world have less pain in it when I leave than when I came. The details of how I'm going to do that (and still make money to provide for me and hopefully a future family) are fuzzy, but that is my dream.
