Saturday, May 4, 2013

Trusting The Crazy

I have been getting crazy thoughts and having crazy dreams and experiences that I have been allowing to guide my life for about a decade now. There is a droplet of madness in all good religion, I think. (Or maybe it is the droplet of sanity in a mad world, I can never tell.) Since I let myself believe (and I find it easy to doubt if I so choose) that these experiences point to something real, and let them guide my life, my life has been steadily improving. Not in terms of the material benefits, but no doubt those as well, but primarily in terms of who I am. Religion works, or at least the kind of religion I've been practicing. Faith in God works (notice I believe in GOD, not in 'belief' contrary to some atheist accusations that musings like this amount to 'believing in belief'), if understood and used properly.

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