Saturday, December 22, 2012

Jesus & Light: Prologue

I will be rushed today, so my posts will be shorter:

I will be posting off and on about light. As I work on my third book (my second is finished but unpublished, I am still toying with it) I have been thinking a lot about light. Light has become a minor obsession for me. As visions of light started to dominate my "visitations" I was given a book by a friend, CATCHING THE LIGHT by Arthur Zajonc. He's not a Christian but there is a lot of stuff Christians could learn from it. It the history of light in science and religion. I'll refer to it from time to time in these reflections. For now, just meditate on John 8:12. And ask yourself this question: what is light like? It is the character of light that Zajonc makes clear in his book. I think reflection on light can help us understand the Revelation of God we have in Christ Jesus. Hopefully mre to come later today.

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